Unlock 7 Figures

Unlock 7 Figures

25 Powerful Positive Money Affirmations

Affirmations are incredibly powerful and absolutely necessary if you want to see big changes in your life. In this post, we’re focusing specifically on money affirmations to replace those limiting beliefs, or lies you’ve come to believe as truth.

The Golden Rule

In case you feel compelled to write your own, here is the golden rule for writing affirmations: A good affirmation, money or otherwise, uses positive words and is written and spoken as truth in the present tense. It makes a difference – For example, the affirmation “I lack nothing” is supposed to be positive, but it contains negative sounding words (lack and nothing). A better way to write this money affirmation would be “I have incredible abundance”. Much better.

Find the Right Money Affirmations

We all have different limiting beliefs, and it can be very difficult to identify them. They’re super sneaky and they don’t give themselves up easily. Read through the list and note the money affirmations that strike a nerve, make you cringe, or bring up some kind of emotion in you. Be particularly ninja about finding the ones that make you roll your eyes. If you feel some energy around it, you’re on the right track. Say ’em loud and proud and watch them change your life.

25 Money Affirmations

  1. I am open to receive all the wealth life has to offer me.
  2. Financial freedom is a part of my current reality.
  3. I attract success everywhere I go.
  4. I have a positive relationship with spending money.
  5. I am surrounded by opportunities to make more money.
  6. Money comes to me in wonderful and unexpected ways.
  7. I can afford to live the life of my wildest dreams.
  8. Money flows into my life.
  9. I am a powerful manifestor.
  10. I attract financial stability.
  11. I am grateful to be surrounded by abundance.
  12. I receive abundantly and I give abundantly.
  13. Making money is fun and easy.
  14. I deserve to receive large sums of money.
  15. I deserve all the money I desire.
  16. I live in an abundant universe.
  17. Money works for me.
  18. I have incredible abundance.
  19. I am financially free, and all is well.
  20. I happily allow abundance to enter my life
  21. I always have enough money.
  22. I love making and spending money.
  23. Money is a tool that helps me to be more of who I really am.
  24. I am surrounded by abundance and exciting opportunities.
  25. I am a magnet for money and success.

Create Your Money Affirmation Habit

Are you rolling your eyes yet? Good. Write two or three of the cringiest ones down and get to work. Tie your new money affirmation habit with something else you do all the time, like getting in your vehicle, aimlessly scrolling through social media, or blankly staring into the refrigerator. Set a reminder in your phone if you have to, make it a priority. I’m not asking you to commit to a 45-minute workout every morning here, I’m asking you to read a couple sentences. Speak your truths (or read them in your head at the very least) twice daily for 30 days. Start right now. In 30 days (or less), you’ll realize that your new truths have actually started showing up in your life. Don’t believe me? Try it and see. I dare you.

Yes, you can thank me later 😉

